About Us
Welcome to I.C. Stars Volleyball Club! The 2024-2025 club season marks the 25th year I.C. Stars will be offering regional and travel club teams to young ladies in the Iredell and surrounding counties of North Carolina. Our program not only offers some of the most competitive teams in the region, but also offers the elite training, competition and overall club consistency that each family invests in.

2024-2025 I.C. Stars Volleyball Club Season!!! Through our website we will do our best to inform all our prospective families about;
TRYOUT REGISTRATION: Registration for 12U-14U is “NOW OPEN”. Registration for 15U-18U is “Closed” and tryouts have been completed for those age groups.
TRYOUT DATES/TIMES: Tryouts for 12U-14U will take place Sunday October 6th (with call backs taking place Monday October 7th, if needed). 13U/14U tryouts will take place from 10:30am-12:00noon and 12U tryouts will take place from 1:00pm-2:30pm. Check-in begins 30 minutes prior to each session. Tryouts have been “COMPLETED” for 15U-18U Teams.
OPEN GYMS: We will be holding two open gym dates for 12U, 13U and 14 U tryout participants. They will take place Sunday September 22nd and Sunday September 29th.
Tryout Times, Open Gyms, Club Fees, Tryout Check List and all other tryout details will be posted here and under the “2024-2025 Tryout Information” menu!
Tryouts for the upcoming 2024-2025 club season will begin the weekend of October 5th & 6th for 12U-14U. Tryouts for 15U-18U have been “COMPLETED”. We will continue to post information over the next couple weeks, so please check back periodically for details. We look forward to working with each and every one of you! Thank you for considering I.C. Stars and we are looking forward to another great club season!

Through our website we will do our best to inform all our prospective families about tryout registration, open gym registration, tryouts, club fees, etc., along with preparing everyone for the upcoming club season. All dates, times and locations will be posted under the “2024-2025 Tryout Information” tab!
Tryouts for 15U thru 18U have been completed
Tryouts for 12U-14U will begin in early October

All I.C. Stars events, such as meetings, practices, training, clinics, etc., will take place at Statesville Montessori School.

For more information on tryouts, tryout registration, open gym registration, club forms, club fees, etc. please go to “2024-2025 Tryout Information” in the main menu. We look forward to working with each and every one of you, so please bear with us as we continue to update everyone on all our upcoming events.